What You Need To Know Before Getting Your Diamond Ring Reset

What You Need To Know Before Getting Your Diamond Ring Reset

What You Need To Know Before Getting Your Diamond Ring Reset

So the time has come for you to give your ring a bit of a makeover; how exciting! There are many reasons why one might choose to reset their ring: an upcoming engagement, tarnish, wear, or just a desire to modernize your diamond. No matter your reason for wanting to give your ring a new look, here’s what you need to know before getting your diamond ring reset.

Find a Trusted Jeweler

Whether your ring is new or old, it’s likely incredibly precious on physical, mental, and emotional levels. Understandably, you don’t want anything unscrupulous happening to your precious stone. As such, finding a trusted jeweler to work with is essential—this is probably the most important thing you need to know before getting your diamond ring reset. A jeweler will guide you and support you through the process.

The Examination

The next most important thing to know is that you should have your diamond ring examined before proceeding further with resetting. This is especially something to keep in mind if your ring is a family heirloom. The jeweler will examine the stone to find any cracks or damage that might impede the resetting process or make it unsafe to reset. Locate your diamond certificate to give to your jeweler so that they know every aspect of your diamond before working with it.

Be Certain of Your New Design

Finally, make sure you’re entirely sure of the design you want to use to reset your diamond ring. This is a big and exciting change to make, so you want to be certain and have no regrets later. Your jeweler will also work with you to help you find the perfect design.

If you’re looking for trusted jewelry stores in Austin, Texas, Caleesi Designs is here to help you reset your diamond ring and add new elements to its design.

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